Er.S.L.Sapra, B.E.(Electrical Engg.),
Additional Director Cum Dean

Technical education system is one of the significant components of the human resource development and has grown pretty well during these days and now it is the time to consolidate and infuse quality aspects in the delivery system. Our technical system provides the practical engineering education to students so as to groom up their personalities.
In the present scenario, LPPC has taken effective steps to equip itself with latest computers, buildings and machinery. Efforts are being made to cope with the trained manpower of industries. The objective of LPPC is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lines. We spare no means at moulding our students into wholesome individuals and pioneers in the field of technology.
Dr.Rosy Katyal, Principal
Dear Students
Education is the most powerful weapon of an individual. Good education promises a happy future.
The 21st century is a century of great technical advancement. No individual can remain untouched by this great revolution. There are newer windows of technical knowledge opening every day. We have to be ever ready to catch the rays of enlightenment.
Longowal Polytechnic College provides opportunities to young students to empower themselves with such a powerful tool of development. Experienced, dedicated and highly qualified teachers take care that every student who joins this institution acquires not only theoretical but also practical knowledge to deal with the future problems. The institute holds a good rapport with the industries in the surrounding areas where our students find suitable positions on completion of their courses.
We understand that true growth of an individual takes place in a free environment. We make sincere efforts to bring out the hidden talent of a student through various cultural activities and innovative programmes. Technical and social awareness programmes are held from time to time.
Our hostels provide homely atmosphere to the students who live with us. Healthy food and clean habits help the boarders to grow into responsible citizens.
I am sure congenial environment provided by Longowal Polytechnic College will produce healthy minds ready to take on the challenges of the future.
I welcome all the aspirants and wish them a bright future.
Dr. Vinod Katyal, Director Admissions
"Each movement is a golden opportunity, an opportunity to learn, to give ,to help, to love and to live fully "
"Education has to be a process which prepares the student to learn , to develop a way of thinking, that is known success, academics alone is not our aim , but to create good and thinking individuals with a right and positive attitude and also equip them to face real life situation". To my mind an educational institute is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete, but about building character, enriching minds and about enriching experiences that lasts a lifetime. Life is not a set of instructions but is a series of experiences and learning process. Engineering is no exception.
Technical Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life. Technical Education covers courses and programmes in engineering, technology, management, architecture, town planning, pharmacy and applied arts & crafts, hotel management and catering technology.
At LPPC , we believe in learning by capturing set of experiences and enable one to explore new realms of wisdom. The unified diversity element among student projects the integrated spectrum of prototype India as most of the students belong to the states of differing language and local culture gather with single minded focus to succeed in life.
The college has developed excellent infra-structural facilities with well-equipped laboratories and an enriched library, which are updated regularly.
The library has also subscribed to a number of scientific journals, which helps students understand the recent trends in Engineering and Technology.
The College provides not only technical education to students but also conducts many co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, which ensure multifaceted development of students. With all the laurels we have achieved till date, I am sure we will keep providing a gamut of professional Engineers, backed by top most professional services.